
eTwinning Националне ознаке квалитета

Ученици Гимназије “9.мај” су током прошле школске године учествовали у два еТвининг пројекта и за оба добили Националне ознаке квалитета.

Ови међународни пројекти су рађени у оквиру изборног предмета Савремене технологије у тређем разреду, под руководством наставнице Анице Тричковић.

Хвала свим ученицима и нашим партнерима на изузетној сарадњи и сјајним резултатима 🎉

Коментари оцењивача:

Excellent project! An interesting and ongoing topic. It can be seen that teachers and students worked hard during the implementation of the project. Project meets all the criteria. This is a great example of cooperation and exchange among partner schools. The aim of the project is accomplished through development of the key competences of teachers and pupils. Different ICT tools are used during the project implementation. The project activities are integrated into the school curriculum. Twin Space is well organized, so project monitoring is very easy. The dissemination of the project is pretty rich on the local level as well as in social media.

Коментари оцењивача:

A gorgeous project in high school category . The teacher moderated TwinSpace activities through communication with great experience and success. Students collaborated in real international teams and came up with interesting and sustainable products, achieving all the goals set and making friends in the process. The dissemination of the project is pretty rich on the local level as well as in social media.